‎We call upon Reddit to take action against the rampant Coronavirus misinformation on their website

one major ivermectin study that showed a super positive effect turned out to just be fake. their data was super fucked up, full of bad math and major inconsistencies.

none of these dedicated misinformation fighters noticed...for months. No journalists, no random reddit 'tards. they were constantly dunking on ivermectin and yet they missed a major piece of evidence that would have helped them confirm their own beliefs. apparently it's not even their job to educate themselves, because you know if they had checked the data you would never have heard the end of it since it would have been really helpful for their crusade against ivermectin. it's like they didn't do their homework but still got an A just by guessing their way through the final exam, and now they're demanding to be taken seriously as if they were wise scholars instead of just accidentally correct.

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