So called "griefing"

The guy doing that wasn't me, but I've done that plenty of times with my friend. We load up an Eagle with all dumbfires and then strip it down. Only 16k to buy it back, which takes all of 5 minutes to trade/farm. We request docking and sit on the inside of the mail slot like spiders and wait for someone to come in and just annihilate them. We don't normally go for the smaller ships, only the bigger ones for obvious reasons. We do get about 6-9k of a bounty for every kill, so the total buy back cost of the Eagle is about 25k for each kill. The station kills us almost every single time, though some times we are able to survive and dock with the station shooting us.

Why? Two reasons: Firstly because it is hilarious. Us doing this, and expecting others to do the same, is exactly why we farmed for a huge buffers of cash before upgrading to our bigger ships that we use for trading and whatnot. Hundreds of hours in DayZ has taught us always to expect the worst from others in an open sandbox. Granted, it has also taught us to be the worst as well. The second reason, and really the main reason, was because when we tried to pirate people, 95% of the time they would just run and not communicate with us. Either that or they would combat log. Every person that we blow up inside or outside the stations we communicate with first and very rarely do they ever respond. After we started to just blow people up every time, we just decided to skip the whole interdiction and pirate dialogue part because it had become a waste of time.

Don't get me wrong, we also go on trade runs with rares and then dump them outside of stations for new people to pick up and get a credit boost. As for myself, I regularly follow pirates into their instances after I see them interdict people and blow them up. A day or so ago, I flew the Eagle in that I use to gib people inside the station in an interdiction instance, switched to silent running so the fully loaded Asp pirate wouldn't see me, then I opened up on him. Two volleys and he was dead.

To be honest, we both enjoy pirating, bounty hunting, and general fighting the most in this game, but are too impatient to make enough money for the bigger ships this way. Because none of those "professions" are even remotely balanced against trading, we are forced to spend most of our time trading to make money. So when we get tired of the trading grind, we really get the fighting itch out of our system in the worst kind of ways most of the time.

/r/EliteDangerous Thread