Calling Out Police Officer on his bullshit.

are you alright? I wasn’t arrogantly posting this, i saw link to the code and read it, and it really wasn’t as cut and dry as the kid was saying. yes you can ride your bike, but are you aware of how fast 3mph is? 3mph is a very average walking pace, a pace i doubt any of these people always stick to realistically on bikes (I’d rather get off and walk at that speed honestly). also, yes he quoted the wrong code, if he acknowledged the fine point of ‘under 3mph’ (bc that makes a big difference to how you would ride) then whatever i would never have posted, but he didn’t. on the other hand, although i said the kid was wrong, i was NOT defending the cop, that guy was an asshole and his demeanour and the verbal he gave the kid were plain wrong, but again, he was half right. I’m always for calling out civil servants for their wrongness and corruption, but i’m a sucker for facts.

tl;dr - both parties needed improvement, cop was a prick still.

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