Calling out someone who blatantly copied my work?

That's the problem with these cooperative slides and discussion boards things. One of my classes does a sharedpowerpoint where small groups of 4 people work on their given slide, and then after all the groups are done answering the question the prof goes through them breifly.

Obviously, the groups that actually do the work just get copied off of as you can see "guess contributor" hovering on the slides in which the good group is actually doing the work.

one time questions wanted screenshots and they didn't even pretend to hide their shit, just straight up copying my screenshots, the same snippet and everything. absolutely disgusting. I had no official proof it was my screenshots, I just typed "PLEASE STOP STEALING MY WORK" on it and they noticed and took down their copied screenshots. actually fucking triggers me how many fucking dogshit students there are

/r/college Thread