Cambridge appreciation thread

This place is one of my favorite places in the UK.

  1. The walkability/bike infra which is pretty damn good.
  2. The food scenario of Cam isn't too bad. Sure places like Birmingham or London may have it beat, but like others said there are some cool unique places over here (Bedouin, Yippie Noodle).
  3. The amount of green spaces.
  4. The gigabit fiber rollout.
  5. Decent high tech job opportunities.

Where I disagree with others.

  1. People here say it's safe. After doing jury service, after being here in 4 years things are getting notably worse. Crime rate has risen quite sharply, and there are open mafias operating in specific areas. Are we forgetting the whole set of assaults caused by midsummer fair, or assaults on Jesus Green?
  2. This obviously can be personal cicumstances but I have a lot of people who cooberate my perspective. This place reminds me of what anyone says of highly competitive locations. I find people here rather arrogant, selfish and tend to extrude a sense of toxic positivity. There are some serious issues here, but you can already see in this thread people tend to mask over difficult conversations.
  3. This place is I think one of the steepest areas of open wealth inequality. It permeates in the culture, and disturbs me a little as I think the attitudes here are some of the causes for the same attitude issues in government. There is some real homelessness, poverty, income inequality over here. This place is one of those areas where you can see people suffering right outside well endowed colleges filled with rich kids who seem happy to strut around in their fancy suits and dresses. Am I the only one here who sees the giant hypocrisy of some of these colleges, students all putting on this positive, smart, pro-humanity facade whilst callously ignoring the open suffering in front of them. Don't even get me started with the whole nonsense traditions, or how much frankly money gets wasted by the colleges on frankly disgusting elitist traditions. There is a lot I could comment on the college system here, and frankly I think the elite institutions here permeate a toxic, abusive culture that IU wouldn't see in most other academic institutions.
  4. The housing situation here is not great. It's all good talking about ease of transport, but people are forced to commute from adjacent villages. Frankly I think this is because of a rather poor forward-planning and a general dislike of high rises. Already we can see issues caused by the above having knock on effects. For example, Attenbrookes struggling to hire staff as the cost of living and housing is uncompetitive relative to other places with similar wages.
  5. This place approaches London in regards to Cost of Living without universally matching London wages.
  6. I am kind of disgusted at how the council seems to prioritize random vanity crap rather than focusing on some of the more serious issues listed above.
/r/cambridge Thread