The Campaign Cash That Can Kill the Open Internet

I'm going to explain this but you wont listen or believe me. first a bit of history: the net neutrality we have enjoyed has been a "gentleman's agreement", and it worked well. everyone chose to abide by it because to do otherwise risked alienating your network from the other networks causing a competitive disadvantage in services you could provide when cut off from the other networks of the internet. this is capitalism and it works by Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand" of everyone working for their own self interest and "doing the right thing" without outside intervention. also know as "market forces". but over time government has in various ways began to meddle. things like regional monopolies to cable companies, or phone companies, easements, right of way and so on. this changes capitalism to crony capitalism. its easy to blame "money" as the corrupter, but once something is regulated its in the interest of those being regulated to find ways to control the regulators. this is "regulatory capture". now the regulators usually are idealistic at first, and may even know something about the subject they regulate. but that never lasts even if it was true at the outset. government only has three tools, force, taxation, regulation. the only way it gets funds is taxation, but that's not the only reason it taxes. think about cigarette taxes for a minute to figure out some of its other motivations. now who is going to pay for the enforcement of these new rules? us. and theses guys who are going to ensure everything is up to net neutrality specifications are the same clowns who: turn our phones into gps tags, wanted cispa, wanted sopa, think its dandy to keep you from unlocking your phone, think civil asset forfeiture is dandy, and believe gas is too cheap. you can pass any law or regulation you like, all it does is give people you cant trust more power to mess with your life, and give themselves more money, power and influence. they even said "we aren't raising taxes with this net neutrality , yet" net neutrality only worked as intended when it was not a power of the government. but creeping governmental power means its never going to work correctly again. they couldn't get wired phone service universal in over a hundred years. they have no incentive to respond to market forces but every incentive to respond to large campaign donations made by the people they suddenly "by popular demand" now possess. celebrate the FCC, party, as the internet now is going to burn in ways you can't imagine.

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