Camper van on fire beside Grandview Highway Walmart

Wow, the comments here are wild. If someone lives differently than you, IT'S OK. Some live in vehicles by choice, some because it's a better fit for them, and everyone has a reason for living the way they do, INCLUDING YOU. Ya'll are so fucking fast to judge, but do a single one of you actually know the person who owns this camper, what their story is, etc? If you can't even PRETEND to be a human with emotions and have even a modicum of campassion for a fellow sentient being who made a mistake and burned down his fucking home, just like you would for someone who did the exact same thing in a brick and mortar dwelling then maybe it's time to sit down and shut up. And guess what, there are probably (definetley) people out there who don't agree with YOUR lifestyle choices/living situation too, so maybe just appreciate the fact that we're living on a rock spinning in space around an orb of fire and everyone's doing their best and that might not look like you're best and THAT'S OK TOO.

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