Can we do that?

Back when season 2 finished in 2013 I remember siding with Jane. I didn’t understand what happened with AJ and I believed that she was strong enough to have protected AJ but wasn’t completely sure of her motives when she appeared empty handed out of the blizzard telling me to “stay out of it.” Nevertheless... I shot Kenny. However, after some 8-9 replays, I just can’t justify her decision to leave AJ like that just to prove a point that Kenny is a man who will kill you if you push his limits. I mean damnit y’all, I’m not mad at him for wanting to kill her, but after considering her position to manipulate Clem into killing him just to fucking DELETE HERSELF AND UNBORN CHILD not more than 6 months later means Kenny died for NO FUCKING REASON. Either way, I love the community, I’m not mad... I’m not

/r/TheWalkingDeadGame Thread Link -