Can I afford U of T?

Step 1 learn to use a dictionary. Unsubstantiated, not supported or proven by evidence.

Evidence witnessed by me: hiring managers, for multiple companies all outside the United States have expressed, with direct words to my face, their bias of preferred universities directly to me.

I don’t base “all my decisions”, on this information.... I gave an opinion based on factual evidence, as help, that was asked for.

Go ahead and have another look at your own wiki link. Enjoy your rankings. Waterloo is #3 within Canada apparently this year. They are routinely at or near the top of their category. You can wiki them all.

Or you could take the advice that rankings don’t mean as much as who’s going to hire you after. Their opinion is more valuable than who MacLean’s or some other ranking thinks an institution does on the whole (regardless of specialty). Waterloo is a math powerhouse. Stephen Hawking agrees. Have a google at the Perimeter Institute. Don’t be a jerk.

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