Can we all please stop obsessing over the timeliness of book reading?

Ok here's my reading story. I starting reading books about the age of 18. I was a bit of a drop out at school and whilst I could read I refused to read the books given to me in English lessons. I started off with Stephen King books and pretty much smashed my way through his entire collection at the time. I was living on my own in a caravan in Taunton so it was something to do. I also read a few James Herbert books which I also enjoyed. Fast forward 8 years and I picked up a book recommended by girlfriend at the time, Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder. My word that opened up the floodgates of learning and for fun I worked my way through a lot of the philosophical classics. Taoism is my favourite. Fast forward to now and I'm working my way through Catch 22 though I find reading difficult for some reason as I always have something else to do or my mind isn't in it. Couple of books in between that deserve a mention The Alchemist, loved that book and Psychopath Free by Jackson MacKenzie, if you have ever been in an abusive relationship that book really helps.

/r/books Thread