Can we all take a step back and think about this: is it more likely that Amazon is gaslighting everybody (ineptly) or that a random redditor is trolling you for karma?

Fair enough, and I agree. That's why I posted that. The comments presented as "evidence" that Amazon is gaslighting us are of the quality you'd expect from a $20 per 10 comments shitty spam site.

Would Amazon really risk losing their fanbase over a $20 PR campaign? I mean really think about it... Would they? Now think about this... would a random redditor spend 5 minutes making 2 fake accounts and posting random bullshit (the type of bullshit you expect to be posted from "bot" accounts) in order to farm thousands of karma for fun or profit?

I just don't think the simplest explanation is "Amazon is engaging in a $20 gaslighting campaign". IMO the simplest explanation is "some troll farmed this sub's upvotes".

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