I would recommend getting a scale. I got one of $20 (Canadian) from amazon. Make sure it is a mg scale and not on that measures grams. Then find out how much you have been using because a tablespoon for 1 person is different from another.
Then I would cut your total daily dose in half right away. You can cut more at the beginning of the taper and then the cuts get smaller. Instead of dosing 3 times a day, dose more ( 4 or 5) but smaller amounts so your daily intake is lower. After the first cut do that same amount until you are not feeling any withdrawal symptoms. You should be uncomfortable when you first cut but your body will eventually get used to it. This is when it is time to cut again. You should be going an amount that is not getting you high but maintaining yourself. I would recommend about 10% each time you cut. Again, cut when you are stable on a dose and not feeling any withdrawal. A lot of people will say when you are down to 5 grams or less a day you can jump but this is a decision you will have to make.
Wish you the best of luck. I think the most important thing is once you get a taper schedule stick to it at all costs. Its tempting to take a higher dose to feel good but it takes discipline to stay on the schedule. You should not be getting high during a taper. This method has worked with a lot of people but take it or leave it.
I'm sure others will chime in here.