Can anyone think of any true examples of “male privilege”?

I think you need to read more about female entrepreneurship, because every bank in the western world pretty much has preferential lending, sometimes even female exclusive business lending, preferential interest rates, hand-holding specifically for female run businesses, sex-segregated business associations so women can support each other, etc. They lag men by miles DESPITE all those female only bonuses.

It's not just that women start fewer businesses, they also make smaller, less scaleable, less profitable businesses, too. They also have FAR higher rates of attrition, which is a shame because they actually have a greater percentage of their businesses that survive to the 5 year mark, but that drops off a cliff after 5 years, largely because of kids.

Of course, you'll argue that kids are something we impose on women, but if we interview working parents and ask them if they would prefer to stay home and take care of the kids, 19% of men said yes, 61% of women said yes. Men and women simply have very different priorities, and don't approach work at all in the same way. That's going to be reflected in the different industries they choose, hours they choose, how much risk they'll assume, etc.

No one IMPOSES this on women. If they exercise their agency and shut down their business, or prefer to stay at home and let their husband run his business ... are you going to accept their decision?

/r/MensRights Thread Parent