Can anyone dispute this or defend what Congress did regarding the rail workers?

Just to give all of you angry over this, to give a little bit of context, I work for a small town and was in a meeting with one of my town's largest companies, a steel yard that employs hundreds. The manager was literally outlining their plans to lay off 80% of their workforce the moment the railroaders went on strike.

I dont think people like you realize how much a railroad stoppage would hurt regular people.

If you are at a switchboard and you see a train barrelling down the line and have to decide whether it runs over the 50k people on the spur or the millions of people on the main line, to pull the level to transfer it to the spur. Doesnt mean you have to be happy about it, but that is the reality.

Sure, Im not happy that we couldnt come up with a solution that provided sick days to the workers. But I am happy that our government actually acted in the best interests of Americans as a whole.

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