Can anyone help me budget? Please, I'm helpless when it comes to finances. TIA

Ideally, the goal should be to save a minimum of 10% of your income a month. It's impossible to tell what your expenditures should be because we don't know what you need to spend on food. We don't know what you need to spend on clothes.

One thing to try is to keep all of your receipts for a couple of months and make a spread sheet of where your money goes. Determine how much a month you spend on average on food. Then determine if you could cut it down. Determine how much money you spend on 'entertainment.' Could that be cut down.

It helps to have an actual concrete goal to work towards and then budget around that. So maybe just to start out your goal is to save 10% of your income a month. Make that a priority. Work the rest of your budget around that. But you need to have goals. It'll make working your budget easier.

Are you wanting to buy a house? Are you wanting to save money for your children's college? Are you wanting to have a nice nest egg for your retirement? Once you figure out what your goals are it'll make it easier to figure out where you can cut expenditures.

Additionally, it might be helpful to talk to a financial advisor.

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