Can anyone please help me I know I already posted this but I have no friends or anyone in my life

Find your center. You’re alright.

Think as logically as you can right now. Stay calm, distract yourself, and focus on things that deserve your energy.

If (I mean this kindly) you want to distract yourself you will. If you feel like it’s necessary to live in the anxiety of it all go ahead, but this is not progression or healthy.
Do what you can to find distraction and avoid allowing yourself to wander back to a thought or stress that doesn’t help you be calm.

I’ve done a lot of work to find myself among my stresses (contamination obsessions etc) so we may be in different places on how we’re both able to handle the stressors.

Don’t stress about what hasn’t happened yet. You’re not contaminated, you aren’t going to die, you’re not ill from it, and you’re easily cleaned up quickly and thoroughly.

/r/OCD Thread