Can anyone provide a good explanation of how "FocusTraversalPolicies" work?

It is actually somewhat rare to actually need a FocusTraversalPolicy because the default tab ordering is the order the components were added to the container.

If that doesn't suit your needs though then you indeed need a FocusTraversalPolicy. It is an abstract class and the abstract methods to override seem to be pretty straightforward, and they have good JavaDoc. Do you have a specific question?

Here is a ridiculous example that may get you going in the right direction. This is a ridiculous example because the same behavior occurs just by adding userNameField to the container before passwordField. However, it does demonstrate how to use it:

public class AuthFormFocusPolicy extends FocusTraversalPolicy {
        private JTextField userNameField;
        private JTextField passwordField;

        public AuthFormFocusPolicy() {
            this.userNameField = new JTextField();
        this.passwordField = new JTextField();

         public Component getInitialComponent(Window window) {
            return super.getInitialComponent(window);

        public Component getDefaultComponent(Container focusCycleRoot) {
            return this.userNameField;

        public Component getComponentAfter(Container focusCycleRoot, Component component) {
            Component nextComponent;
            if (component == this.userNameField) {
            nextComponent = this.passwordField;
            } else {
              nextComponent = this.userNameField;

        return nextComponent;

    public Component getComponentBefore(Container focusCycleRoot, Component component) {
        Component previousComponent;
        if (component == this.userNameField) {
            previousComponent = this.passwordField;
        } else {
            previousComponent = this.userNameField;

        return previousComponent;

    public Component getFirstComponent(Container focusCycleRoot) {
        return this.userNameField;

    public Component getLastComponent(Container focusCycleRoot) {
        return this.passwordField;
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