Can anyone share their experience with reinfection?

Well the first infection that led to all this was a 2 day fever. Cant say for sure it was covid since I didn’t get tested and I didn’t seroconvert

Had omicron in oct this year, had a fever at 103 f and a lot of head burning, was testing positive for around 10-14 days. A couple days afterwards I was more dizzy and delirious than usual, went to breakfast at the hotel I was staying at since they wouldn’t bring it to my room snd was bumping into ppl, knocking over their coffees etc. Then I had a week of intense head pain where I couldn’t sleep, then things returned to how they’ve been for a couple years.

Hard to say what’s going on since I’ve never even had a contrast mri. For all I know I’ve had occlusions and hypoperfusion for years now and maybe that made the infection worse. Or maybe had a diff pathogen in addition to covid.

/r/covidlonghaulers Thread