Can I ask neighbours to put this barking dog inside during showings?

This is really just a question of how do I interact with people.

So you're showing a house, you don't have any real ties with your stranger neighbor, you need their dogs to be chilled out.


First, people love gifts. If you come with a gift of any kind, I'm not gonna be any kind of dick right off.

Second, they have dogs. People love their dogs. If you have a gift for the dog, cooler.

Third, you don't have to know them. "Hey, I'm <redacted>! I'm sorry we haven't met but you know how life is (ha ha) (ha ha) {everybody laughs}.


You show up at their door SmilinG. With a $50 grub hub certificate/card, a cheap squeaky toy and chewy treat for the dog. :EXPLAIN: Your position (cause you know how to make friends) that strangers may stress their dogs out, and you know we are kinda lookin to sell (((new place for the baby))) , then ask them if you can shoot them a text when you're having a showing.

There's no way they won't be super friends with you while you're still there.....

/r/RealEstate Thread