Can we get BTS to do a Reddit AMA?

the AMA would be TREAT for existing fans, but getting a NEW demographic would be challenging.

reddit has tons of assholes, elitists, and edgelords so be prepared to also deal with things like these if you're really sold on your own idea.

for example, 11 months ago - Also i'm ashamed that r/popheads' racism surfaced during the initial stages of this ranking: not only the original post was notoriously downvoted during the first 12 hours of its existence but it was also massively reported up to the point that the automod deleted it... of course none of you had any issue when we ranked 15 consecutive female acts (or female-led in Paramore's case), including two WOC and a biracial female (the three of them getting less than 55 participants each), but as soon as we rank MALES who are also NON-WHITE and SUCCESSFUL/CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED its suddenly an issue.

(although things could be different now, with the whole activism/"perhaps i judged you too soon" a couple weeks ago.. i really don't want BTS to experience rude comments from non-fans.)

/r/bangtan Thread