Can we get a chapo check on Adam

The Itsy Bitsy Spider (by Adolf Hitler) The itsy bitsy spider climbs up the water spout Down came the rain and washed the spider out Out came the sun and dried up all the rain And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again...

The spider represents the Jew. Cunning. Deceitful. 8 legged. With compound eyes. And able to produce poisonous venom from its unhingeable jaws.

The water spout represents society. A bountiful wellspring of joy and possibility. The evil Jewish spider tries to climb society and rule over the other creatures to their detriment, using fear and manipulation.

The rain represents society refusing to submit to the Jewish spider, destroying him with the very systems that allowed his rise in the first place. Society attempts to rid itself of the threat but fails because of...

The sun. The sun represents the JIDF who uses their influence to brand anyone who notices the Jewish threat a hate crime. He allows the jew spider to climb society once more and forever.

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