Can you use deodorant as makeup primer?

You can get a prescription strength product over the counter called Drysol, you apply it anywhere you have hyperhidrosis or other severe sweating. It actually closes up your sweat glands so moisture can’t escape, but it’s most likely too harsh for your face. What has worked for me though, is using it on my scalp at night and washing my hair the next day. A lot of my “face sweat” was scalp sweat making its way to my face.

You can check with your doctor about facial and general use, be aware that drysol has some fairly uncomfortable side effects. It will itch a bunch the first few times you use it, and even after washing it off, you’ll get prickly itching sensations anywhere you normally sweat (but the sweat won’t escape).

It’s been a long time since I used it as it was more of an issue when I was younger, but after a few weeks use I stopped and didn’t have any major scalp sweating for years after. I feel like I could benefit from it again, but the scalp itch is putting me off.

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