Can you ever vote for a "normal" president ever again?

Because those assumptions made sense. A married household income of $90k with two kids in PA saved $2,568/yr from tax cuts. If both spouses made $90k, that same household wouldve saved $6,708/yr if they didnt pay property taxes. That household would pay $2,000 more in taxes if they were originally deducting $42,000 in property taxes. I dont think that household can afford a $1.68MM home. The $200k range was where possible home values and state and local income taxes aligned to have a $2k tax increase. You're either misinformed over your own tax situation or have some extremely rare and esoteric tax situation. If that's the case, please share how your tax burden increase by $2k since it's going to be from some part of the tax law that I'm uninformed on and I'd like to learn.

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