Can you extract a biradicular molar using a periotome without root sectioning?

It isn't a power tool? No electricity? No air? I thought they used a handpiece, a high-speed bur. I can only use manual tools. Nobody is going to use a chisel.

Of course you can use elevator and forceps. But from what I've read and watched on videos, it's better to avoid lateral forces. You just told me that you tend to break a root with them. That's true for everyone, which is why atraumatic techniques have been refined.

An abscess can also be completely healed without curette. A true cyst, might not so easily. But those are rare. In most cases, you can avoid curetting and there won't be any postoperative infection, even without antibiotic therapy.

Thanks to you and the other commenter saying rotating without sectioning is likely to break. I wasn't sure how much rotation it could handle, but hearing that will make me try to avoid it completely if possible.

If you want to understand why I'm specifically avoiding elevators, please read all of these links. Maybe it's misinformation and I'm naive, but after reading all that, I feel like the atraumatic techniques are more refined, and while it's certainly possible to extract a tooth with many other methods, I personally prefer the periotome + enzymatic + no lateral force approach:

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