Can You Be A Femcel If You Have Had A Relationship?

think you have no idea how much a woman's self-esteem and esteem in the eyes of others about her looks can affect her. The subjective experience women have matters more than what you think is fair or balanced.

Both men and women are shown to experince self imagine issues, not just women btw. That's why incels are a thing. Also, what do you mean by subjective? When it comes to dating then women have it easier. I don't see how can you not see that.

A woman's value in our society can basically be distilled down to looks. That is a terrible position to be in, for people of all different degrees of beauty.

Agree. But how is this relevent to what i said? I am just talking about dating, not how the world view women. Because if you wanna talk about that, then men are also held standards that are unhealthy.

The perception that women care more about physical appearance than men flies in the face of everything I know about society and individuals. That most people care about looks doesn't contradict that.

Well, studies do show that when it comes to casual sex then women are infact shallow and do care more about looks than do men. Again, i dare you to find men an unattractive fat guy who has had lots of sex with women. You won't. I do know lots of obese women who have had more sex than an averge guy in his life time. Stop being bluepilled ffs. We are way past that stage.

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