Can we fix the world's problems by having a unified goal of providing free housing, healthcare, education, food and water to every person on the planet?

There you go. You wanted evidence mofo? Here you are confessing how you want to TRY to HELP. You expect total and abject failure and are ready for it and even expect to be patted on the head for being a total failure too. Because you'll TRY. I'm sure your victims appreciate the fact you TRY. And they ARE your victims if you claim responsibility for them and make absolutely no effective move to help them, same as if you were a homeopath with a long list of corpses behind you. In fact, aren't the principles of homeopathy YOUR principles? You'll engage in magical thinking about how infinitely diluted action will solve the fucking problem then congratulate yourself for your "wisdom". Unlike you, I do not TRY, a filthy word and a filthy concept if there ever was one. I DO. Nor do I "help", I motherfucking SOLVE.

As for evidence of what you are you little abomination,

Your whole entire life is selfish. Let's reflect upon your major life decisions in your life, starting with 5 year increments. What decisions have you made on a 5 year timescale that were entirely unselfish?

  • You vote democrat so you can justify yourself to others as someone not utterly bestial and reprehensible.
  • You pay attention to politics because it allows you to feel informed and give you a topic of conversation with others.
  • You select a life partner because you want to have sex and make someone happy who will make you happy.
  • You picked a profession because it will affect your income earning potential and the conditions under which your soul will be sucked dry.
  • You give to charity because the quality of the community around you materially affects you.
  • You have a job at a charity that only perpetuates poverty "helping poverty" or "helping cancer", never ever eradicating it. It's also a meeting ground and an occupation.
  • You write stories so that you can get attention and reviews.

Now let's look at your major life decisions in 20 year increments.

  • You stopped voting Democrat because you realized it materially affects absolutely nothing. And you started getting skeptical of the "wisdom of mobs" and the miracle wonder drug that is democracy.
  • You stopped paying attention to politics because you realized it's just a Trivial Pursuits game.
  • You dumped the clingy bitch that latched on to you because you realized you can't stand her. Or you "grew apart", meaning, you finally fucking grew up and she's still a mental child.
  • You made a lot of money in your profession which you ended up all spending. And if not then you don't know what to do with it.

Now let's look at your major life decisions in 100 year increments.

  • You grew up sucking in resources, thoughts, ideas, learning. Most likely without generating one single original thought. You even congratulated yourself on reading "the classics" and so not even possessing modern thoughts.
  • You dicked around with one pointless hobby after another, degrading your whole entire life by wasting it on trivialities.
  • You got married, had kids, had a divorce. You raised your kids to be just as selfish as you have been all your life in order to validate your own selfishness.

Now let's look at your major life decisions in 1000 year increments.

  • Humanity has completely forgotten about you. You have been one selfish fucker who never saw beyond the end of his own life and never contributed anything beyond his own death. You did not create one single world like Albert Einstein did. You did not create one single idea or way of being like Leonard Nimoy did. You were born selfish, grew up selfish, and died selfish. Just like billions of other unremarkable selfish fuckers who never cared about anything beyond the person they were facing at that moment.


In short, you are one dumb selfish motherfucker. But is this what you want to be? Stop being selfish!

Guidance and mentors in not being selfish open to people who are absolutely totally committed to not staying selfish.

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