Can us foreigners get a quick summary of the situation?

There was an election and the guy who everybody thought would win won. He was the prime minister before the election and now he won the presidency and will probably appoint a figurehead as PM. It's a consolidation of power. He didn't want to risk losing the presidency because that's how his predecessors lost power, first they lost the presidency and then the parliament as well.

As for these protests, it's just a bunch of people mad because they lost and because they're poor. I don't see how any other election result would have made a difference, because Serbia is a shitty country and it's not just the matter of some guy at the top deciding to make things better. You can put whoever you want to be president, it will still be the same shitty country and the same shitty people. I'm a Serb, but we really are like the third shittiest people in Europe. Try explaining to a Serb why he should pay a bus fare.

Anyway, these protests are quite small so far and Vucic really is by far the most popular politician in Serbia, so I don't see this going anywhere.

/r/serbia Thread