Can I get a “fuck arr slash atheism” and “fuck anti-theists” in the chat?

That's fair. I'm a convinced Atheist and Nihilist, but I have no issues with any religions in general. If anything I tend to respect them, especially eastern philosophies, because I do believe there is value in self-restraint since I don't smoke, don't drink, don't do any drugs of any kind, mostly keep to myself and try to stick to a balanced diet and regular workout routine to stay healthy. Though I'm also firmly of the opinion that people are free to pursue their own idea of happiness, and I won't stop them or tell them that they're wrong as long as they aren't directly hurting anyone.

I do understand the outrage against religion that people experience, especially when you're a teenager starting to learn how awful the world can be. Considering the countless atrocities committed by religious organizations throughout world history (e.g. Spanish Inquisition, the Reign of Queen Mary I, and the Salem Witch Trials come to mind with Christianity alone). So I understand why some people might be upset about a lot of things that religious groups have done throughout history, but that doesn't mean they are free to harass and ostracize any and all people who do believe in any given religion.

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