You can gain any amount of money at any time but your worst enemy gets twice as much...

So, here's my plan.

There's probably about a quadrillion dollars, in total, in the global economy.

I ask for 100 quadrillion.

Now the economy is about to collapse, but while money still has value i but a luxurious bunker, a solar power collector, so forth, all the other things needed to survive. I also hire a hitman out on my enemy

Then i go on a spending spree. I buy the Eiffel tower. i buy 40 mansions. I buy every fortune 500 company. I buy the entire stock of supermarkets. I buy Jeff Bezos. I just plunge money into the economy as fast possible.

At this point, i'm hoping my enemy hasn't checked their bank account, and is still a normal joe with a hitman after them.

The economy will rapidly be collapsing into nothing. Money will soon be effectively meaningless. So i retreat to my bunker, along with my closest friends and loved ones.

Outside, capitalism collapses completely.

I step outside. Hopefully, a communist utopia has formed, so yay! if not, back in the bunker.

But not before looking at my archenemy's body, shot while holding quadrillions of worthless notes.

/r/shittysuperpowers Thread