I can make you guys hate any college. If you got rejected from a college, drop it in the comments and I’ll talk crap abt it .

Harvard is trash. And let me tell you why. If you are looking for a good time in college, this is not gonna be the school for you. The social scene at this school is dominated by something known as “Finals Club”. They are sorta like fraternities/sororities but WAY more exclusive because you HAVE to be invited in. If you are not part of these groups, it is very hard to have a successful social life. It's kind of elitist if you think about it. The people at this school are known to focus on things like academic achievement and leadership in extracurriculars. Since these kids are so competitive, they reserve little to no time for socializing and partying. There is very little sense of community. Lastly the most important thing that I am going to talk about is legacies. For some reason being a legacy gives you a 40% greater chance of admission. It is absolutely ridiculous. Trust me you don't want to go to a school filled with a bunch of dumbass legacies who just got in because of nepotism.

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