Can we just have a normal 1v1 please?

#1 player on earth != highest KD player on Earth

No one as good as me or good enough to actually get to 7.5 like I’m claiming wants to. That’s boring as fuck and while doing it you’d be withering away at your skill level because you’d be playing like a turtle.

If there was some benefit to having the highest KD on earth yes I could get 7.5, but then it would no longer be the best because 100 other people would do the same thing.

That being said, I am on par with the best players on Earth, yes, and I play 1/4 as much as them and on a worse PC. So saying yes to your statement isn’t out of the realm of reality, however you came into this thinking I’m lying about a 4.5 which isn’t even rare or worth questioning, so I have no doubt you’ll question the above statements too.

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