Can lack of physical/romantic/sexual intimacy as a teen and young adult lead to poor mental health and poor character later in life?

I'm extremely sure (no science behind it though, just my own experience) that a poor character is completely dependent on how well you self-reflect. When I was 15 I already had made sexual experiences with 2 girls and I was the biggest asshole kid you will ever meet.

Then I got bullied, began self-reflecting and now I'm 20 and I would say I'm a decent guy.

But I can imagine that the pressure of society and the feeling of loneliness can drag you down.

But DO NOT end your life over this my friend. It's not that much of a big deal as it might seem like right now. You will find a partner sooner or later and you will be happy sooner or later. And then you will think back of this and you will ask yourself why you thought about suicide because of something like this.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread