Can you get in legal trouble for creating a blacklist of German families?

How? The only reason for this list is to avoid young women who move far away from their home to fall into abusive HFs. I can’t talk for the people that wrote stuff on the list, but I can tell you about friends who were into awful homes where they were made to scrub floors, work 9+ hrs (without extra pay), clean the whole house, etc. Most people that come to Germany to AP do so without an agency because it’s very expensive, not required by law and most families also don’t use one bc of the costs included.

You may say they should just leave the family, well it’s not so easy for everyone. I used to think the same but sadly not everything is black and white. Adding to that, no one gets involved in that. You have a contract but the family is violating it? Who gives a fuck? The family can have a thousand bad APs that leave them, and get a new one next month with no repercussions.

I understand the idea of such a list may sound strange to you, but I’ve seen people be in awful situations because they land in homes like that, and if there’s one tiny thing that can be done to stop at least one person from ending up there, I would do it. Anyhow, I respect that it’s illegal hence why I’m asking here. We’ll find another way, ig.

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