You Can Be Made That Your Fave Got Robbed But Dont Drag Others Into It

I agree. People can’t digest the fact that judges didn’t choose someone that is not their faves lol. Ironic cause they are the ones for demanding awards to be critical when they are they are faulting the judges for simply not choosing their faves.

Nct dream predictions happened without the 40% of the judges. We don’t know who the judges choose and those 40% can flip the whole thing because everything else is 30% so whoever gets the 40% has a head start compared to anyone. Imo IVE didn’t get robbed because the judges probably voted for EPEX giving them a head start while IVE only secured the 30% sales. Why did the judges choose EPEX? Idk I don’t work with them but what I can judges have their own criteria and they aren’t obligated to choose the more popular.

Imo the two flaws of the show is txt and skz , and artists receiving awards a month before the voting ends or something like that.

/r/kpoprants Thread