Can meth be good? And if so, how does it work?

This is a true story of what I've discovered recently. You can Google all the facts if you don't trust anything in here.

Schizophrenia - a natural meth comedown?

My friend who I am going to college with has schizophrenia. I didn't know that at the time I noticed that he experiences the same effects as if I take a really high dose of meth, such as writing down EVERYTHING the professor was saying in his notes, along with his behavior and speedy talking in general. So I admitted to him that I take meth and asked him if he takes meth too. After I said that, he stopped being friends with me, and claimed he didn't take meth.

At first I thought he was just scared I was an FBI agent or something - as people who are on the comedown think that any loud car that passes by their house is an FBI van.

He messaged me on Facebook and apologized and said he won't judge me for my drug use. I asked him if he was taking any drugs at all, meth, cocaine, heck even weed. No he said. He thinks all drugs are bad. I admitted to him that he was showing exact signs when I take a high dose of meth. He then told me that he had schizophrenia. (I also told him that I only take drugs that occur naturally in the body, so not cocaine or weed, and he was even more accepting when I told him that)

I Googled it and the more I read, the more I realized how close schizophrenia was close to a meth high. One thing schizophrenics experience a lot is the feeling of bugs crawling underneath their skin (thats why a lot of them have scratches on their faces), and how schizophrenics are much more likely to die of a heart attack

Just Googling "Schizophernia" on Google images resulted in the same thing you would get from Googling "Meth comedown"

As a student studying biochemistry and knowing kind of a lot about meth and how it works, I decided to see why the effects of schizophrenia are SOOO similar to the effects of a meth high or comedown.

Turns out they recently theorized and confirmed that one element of schizophrenia is an overproduction of dopamine, and meth literally acts in place of dopamine, doesn't even get biosynthesised into phenylythalamine, it is just used in place of dopamine and serotonin in the synapse.

Thorazine, the number one drug prescribed to treat schizophrenia, is just a dopamine antagonist. My friend is prescribed, but when he stops taking it he claims that he is able to temporarily concentrate really well on assignments, and everything is much more easier to do.

So could schizophrenia literally be a natural meth comedown?

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