Can my (25F) relationship with my boyfriend (29M) survive this?

Dad here to 2 toddlers so I'll share some insight which hopefully helps you. I'm going to skip all the stuff that comes with kids - sleep, no hobbies, financial costs, etc. I'm just going to assume you're not naive to all this and gave it thought before (or at least hope you did).

Everything about your situation right now says it's going to be hard if you add a kid into the picture. You're already in a hard situation and you're biting off way more than you can chew right now by having a kid. I have no idea why you decided now was the time for you to have kids when you are barely taking care of yourselves but that's here nor there at this point.

With that said you can't put a price tag on kids or make it a 100% stone cold financial decision. Your first step here is to decide if you want to keep the kid or not. Do not let your bf, his family or anyone else decide that. Just ask yourself, do I want this kid or not and then make decisions from there.

Also, in regards to your question - will your relationship survive this? No way to tell until you get there. You guys might break up in a couple months over something completely different and unrelated to all this. You just never know.

Regardless just think long and hard about this before you go to your appointment. You're going to deal with that decision for the rest of your life one way or another.

/r/relationships Thread