Why I Can No Longer Call Myself an Evangelical Republican

All this sudden hand-wringing over Trump and Moore is infuriating.

Right now, on December 10, 2017, there is no objective measure, absolutely positively none, in which it can be said that Donald Trump is or has been a worse president than George W. Bush was.

Trump has made immigration a pain in the ass for a bunch of people, inflamed racist tensions possibly leading to a few deaths and cases of vandalism as well as demoralizing millions, is a homophobe, seems to be both a white nationalist and also have Jewish relatives, and has inflamed sexual predators and set back the cause of women's rights, at least temporally.

George W. Bush started an illegal war that has killed a minimum of 100,000 people including women and children, cost our country over 2 trillion dollars (enough to fund CHIP for 1,000 years), and removed financial regulations that led to the collapse of the entire planet's economy, which has been well documented as indirectly precipitating tens of thousands of deaths due to things like inability to pay medical bills or afford housing.

And these bastards are coming out of the woodwork to say that now, now it's too much. That the access Hollywood tape and Roy Moore cruising for the Disney Channel's audience is what finally convinced them, not, you know, the fucking 100,000 dead and the years of ruin inflicted just a few years ago by the same group of people. Not the generation who entered the workforce with double the education and a quarter of the prospects of their parents thanks to Republican economic policies and relaxing of regulations and oversight.

I don't deny that this nonsense with Moore is enough to put anyone off of the groups who support him forever.

But unless you just turned voting age in the last month, why now?

/r/Christianity Thread Link - nytimes.com