Can Ozone be used to kill/disinfectant house for COVID-19?

Aye, H2O2 is used as rocket fuel if I'm not mistaken.

Thing is, I have 4 masks that I rotated. Now there's new info that the virus can be infectious for up to 7 days on plastic. That complicates the whole "let it die in a few days approach".

Yeah, I heard Trump in a conference saying that they can sterilize the N95 masks for up to 20 times each.

Never used anything on the masks. I was just searching for chemicals that could help without ruining the PP or the other materials.

I always wear a surgical mask on top of the FFP2/3 ones, as they all have exhaust valves and that would not protect people around me if I might have the virus.

Something I recommend to anyone wearing a valved N95 type mask, a surgical one on top.

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