Can participating in support groups be seriously draining?

Absolutely. Support groups stir up stuff and we have to spend energy to calm ourselves or others, or spend energy we don't have supporting others, others who may not even want that support and just want to be seen or take up space instead. Trying to take on other people's problems and understanding them is draining, because we're changing ourselves, working through the things that block us from seeing/understanding others, and it can all be for naught because we don't get it in return.

Online is draining as well. Text doesn't really convey anything else. There's also the void aspect, where we spend so much time and energy writing up something and we get one single upvote for it, or a lackluster response, where it can make us feel unseen, unheard, and that no one cares. In an actual support group, we don't get that so much. People might nod off and not care, but at least with their presence we know we've been seen/heard.

/r/emotionalneglect Thread