Can people PLEASE stop fetishizing trans people?

Speak out against harassment, that I can agree with, people should not be harassed over fetishes. But, absolutely everything can be fetishized and for you to speak out against people who are attracted to this fetish, because a fetish is an odd attraction toward something obscure (the obscurity in this is the attraction to trans), is awfully arrogant and blind-sighted. But once again, I should need to state that it is the actions of the person that are condemnable not the thoughts, so I agree that harassment is a big no no.

You can either be dehumanized by sexual attractions or understand that they are infact very human things. Besides all that aside from the harassment what does it matter what they think. You shouldn't need validation from other people to feel human, it's all in you to feel the way you do and it is your choice to be effected by what others think. Being gay myself, I've had to learn this real quick.

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