Can people stop complaining about req every single wbs?

I made a reply to someone that kind of touches on this, so I'm going to re-purpose that comment for this thread.

I'm on this sub a lot, even while I had a short break (like 10 days oh my) I still ended up checking the sub every few days. A lot of the stuff I see just makes me want to ask, "Why? Why are you doing this to yourselves?"

Lets put aside for a moment that the negative, horrible shit that's posted is of course going to make some people feel like shit because it's directed at them, consider what it's doing to yourselves.

In the original version of this comment I linked the horrible stuff that that individual I was replying to had said but when replying to the community it's self... There's too much. You've all seen a ton of it, and yet there's still more if you turn over every rock in this sub like I tend to.

Do you like being angry at Requiem? Or the jmods? Or some guy who killed you while you were doing cache or . . . Whatever you're angry about?

Do you enjoy letting these things get to you and make you become a more aggressive and negative person?

Does it make you feel good about yourself? Does it improve your day?

I'm honestly asking you these questions. I'm not trying to condemn the entire community with this comment.

Ask yourselves if this what you want to be doing with yourself and how you want to be feeling, I don't really think you'd honestly say yes.

Either way, I think you'd be better off with yourself if you took a step back, looked at the bigger picture and tried to be a happier person.

Your negative state of mind is probably going to have a much larger negative impact on you than anyone else.

This sub can be positive. Even the most hated members of the community have posted things and got lots of upvotes because the community is willing to look past what they've done in the past and how they feel about that person and accept that what they've said is worth talking about and supporting.

Many people have this idea that "all the positive people left!" and a lot of them probably did! But we're not beyond being positive.

Do you want to be thought of a positive person, or a negative one? Do you think you're a positive person? Do you think that your Reddit comments reflect who you are and what you want people to think of you?

Do you want to be a positive person nor be a negative one?

Again, I'm not asking these questions to you because I'm trying to get on your case, I just genuinely think you'd be happier if you honestly considered it and I think that you being happier means that everyone here can be happier.

Maybe whoever you're complaining about has done wrong by you, maybe that's 100% true. It's probably not true that they've done wrong by you to the point that you should be following them around harassing them on the sub.

Now lets say that it is is true that they've wronged you to the point that you are somehow in a position where it's all dandy to be doing what you're doing, what about the people that hate that every day they come on this sub they know they're going to see tons of posts about "fuck req", "fuck this guy", "fuck that guy"?

You're just contributing to the negativity of the community, but you can do so much more than that.

I can't get into the brain of the one guy I sent the original version of this comment to so I certainly can't do that to the entire community.

I can't tell you what will leave you best off. I'm not some trained professional and I'm not a life coach. I'm not perfect either, but I am aware of my faults and where they lie and I think that a wakeup call for you, making sure you can be aware of some of your faults might help you in some way.

Maybe not.

Maybe this is a waste of time. But I don't think it is because I believe we can be more positive as a community.

You, me, whoever. We all can make this place so much more enjoyable to be a part of if we have the will to do it and the desire to do it.

/r/RSDarkscape Thread