Can a person with BPD be a good parent?

I can control myself in front of my daughter perfectly. I may have blurted things out over the years a handful of times, but I have always apologized. No such thing as a perfect parent. I can't do it with my husband or my girlfriend. I mean, I probably can, but I don't. My daughter is 15 and we have a good relationship. I can see she doesn't have the bpd warning signs I did at that age at all. She is happy and comfortable, popular, kind, and we get along wonderfully. She has her moody days but she's a teenager. I shielded her 100% from all of my bullshit and any fights with significant others were totally away from her. I go to therapy every week and have never stopped since beginning in 2011 and I relied on my therapist to be the best mother possible. I strive to be an authoritative parent (as opposed to authoritarian, permissive, or rejecting) since kids brought up with that style of parenting are happier adults. So yes, it is possible. I am also obsessed with wellness and read about bpd and think about being better constantly.

/r/BPD Thread