Can we please ban posts showing the removal of stucco on buildings after WW2?

Once in a while they do get on the front page. Usually the reverse from post Eastern bloc nations were modernist building reverted to some faux 18th century facade. Usually drooling with comments like:

This. Why shouldn't we be proud of our buildings? Most buildings today are build in a 'modern' style that hAvE nO fEeLiNg whatsoever.

I think it's mainly the architects within their filter bubble who are indoctrinated with made up phrases like "Das Wahre ist das Schöne/Only the truth is beautiful" which means every ornament or playful style is "untrue" and reactionary. Tedious blowhards.

The biggest obstacle(s) is/are the political/Academic elite who think it's worshiping the ashes of the past or whatever and architects that would rather jerk eachother off than build something that people will actually thank them for.[On why this style isn't more widespread]

Which if you look at their profiles do appear to be mostly conservatives.


It does get annoying to see that circlejerk time and time again. There is nothing wrong with Brutalism, post-modern architecture etc. But apparently all sense of originality and innovation doesn't really matter as long as it looks pretty. It honestly reminds me of this comment from /r/delusionartists about modern art:

Hi I'm every Reddit user. Art isn't really art to me, it is merely a demonstration of a persons talent and technical abilities. Art that serves a function is real art, art that has no purpose is delusional. My favorite genre of art is photorealism, because it doesn't look like art.

Though Bauhaus, even though its motto is 'function before form', doesn't fit that bill because it isn't perrty and the function of architecture is to be pretty, not beautiful, not useful.

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