Can we please talk about Educated by Tara Westover?

She recounts very specific things about very specific events that happened to her 20+ years ago, including quotes.

I have vivid memories from events that happened when I was 3 on. I recall direct quotes. Obviously memory is not perfect and if you're writing a narrative for people with details about settings etc you're going to have to fill in some gaps. But when you've been through traumatic things, you remember them.

I don't remember the time of year, my exact age or what my mom was wearing but I clearly remember telling her that listening to sermons in church made me angry, that I didn't agree and her response, "That's because of the devil in you making you feel that way."

And the time when I was in 18 and realized I was depressed and needed help. We were in her car at the top level of the parking garage at the mall and she started sobbing, "I ruined you. You're ruined. I failed as a mother. Everything is my fault." Which is the point I gave up on the idea of ever getting help until I was in my 30s. You remember these significant, formative moments of your childhood. She has no memory at all of most of the shit she did to me.

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