You can practically taste the irony

To be fair. Tons of people take "safe spaces" "trigger warnings" too far.

If someone goes into a public place and has some "trigger" of pink shirts or something like that, and they want to ban pink shirts, it is insane. A war vet freaking out when a car backfires, a lady being scared of exact outfits due to a domestic violence, or a guy being scared of dogs due to an attack are all examples of legitimate triggers that people just have to deal with. Its usually illogical to ban cars or what people wear.

If people are on campus trans or wear their hair in some other way that gets looks and a bit of talk, they cant go asking for all the places they frequent to ban whatever is bugging them.

Someone saying they dont like gay people is, much to the disdain of people here apparently, totally fine and is a part of life. Harassing them or committing acts of violence is not.

Ironically, most of these safe space and trigger warning supporters are actually attempting to remove the power of the first amendment. Not many, or at least not the vocal minority, have a legitimate issue. They just dont agree with the views of another group, and try to oppress them.

Plus, many are simply insulted by others and try to remove their freedom to speak. As I said before, people can go on and on all day about how they dont like gays, but if they arent committing a crime, it is not an issue. I think Trump supporters are out of their fucking mind, and I can say that as much as I want, but unless I am making or acting on a threat, its fine to say.

Im all for people not having anything extremely hurtful done to them, but they gotta live with the fact that no matter what you look like, people will have something to say.

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