Can you program my keyboard?

Had a user last week complaining that since we reset her password, she could no longer get into her account.

Background: user is an older lady currently suffering through the worst of her chemo treatments. So it's safe to safe that shes pretty open about things, and on most cases I try to be as understanding as possible. She uses the term "chemo-brain" often when she messes something up.

Well last week we had to reset her password for her as she could no longer remember it or gain access to her account on her own. So I go ahead and reset it to something secure but still simple enough for her to remember.

A day later I get an angry email back saying she still can't get into her account anymore. I ask if she is using the password I sent her, she says "yes". I ask her if she is using her correct username, again "yes".

After a few back and forth confusing emails, she finally mentions the yellow filled password section. She says that, she wasn't actually using the password I had sent her to try, and the she was just trying to click the login button after typing her name in

Turns out she was still trying to use that old password that was saved in her browser autofill settings.

When I point this out, she asks me to "just make it so I can log in using the same password as before" (a password that she can no longer remember having it saved in the autofill for so long)

I tell her that we have no record of previous passwords or passwords in general as they are encrypted, and that we changed the password for security reasons and it wouldn't work to set it back to what it was before

/r/talesfromtechsupport Thread