Can Raditz Solo the Invincible Verse?

Oh goddamit here we go again.

he was 10 times stronger than roshi who blew up the moon.

Piccolo himself said that to dodge the SBC he had to be faster than light.

There is nothing that proves that the Viltrumites are faster than light.

Just because the viltrumites have that advantage, that doesnt make them tougher than Raditz, sure they're more versatile thanks to smart atoms, but they arent nearly as powerful as him.

When did people below Adult Mark fight planetary Threats?

Ok that's just plain bullshit.

The flight speed thing could easily be explained by simply saying that people in DB just control their Ki so that they don't just nuke everywhere they fly past.

The only reason why Viltrumites have suffered bigger injuries is because the series is somewhat more mature, if DBZ was intended to only adult audiences, then that would have happened as well, and MULTIPLE times.

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