Can we reasonably and calmly discuss the idea that, unfortunately, The Phantom Pain is simply not a good game in ways more than just the bad plot? [Potential Spoilers]

I do pass the same judgement on these titles, but at least in these titles there are things to do; in Far Cry you can at least hunt, in GTA there are at least pedestrians having humorous conversations, but in MGSV nothing happens outside of outposts. And I mean, nothing. Absolutely nothing. There's a road you have to travel, so "total strategic freedom" is "approach from the road or just off on the side of the road"

That isn't really freedom, is it? And the freedom there is is either "stealth or shoot like a madman"

I'm not saying it's a bad game because I'm disappointed, although I am, I'm saying it's bad because it's bad. There are 157 side ops and every one of them are the exact same thing. The world is ugly, frankly. The draw distance is excellent, but we're just looking at brown. That's it. I know we're in Afghanistan, but bleak doesn't need to mean boring and uninteresting. Look at Fallout. That's very brown, but it's fun to explore.

This is not. Not only is it not fun to explore, there is literally no point to explore this world. In Afghanistan you can wander into a nearby field and that's it. There's nothing there. It's drab, bland and just gross to look at. You can say you enjoy spending time there, but you can't really be telling the truth.

The A.I is braindead. If you saw the video, he just stands under some floodlights in the middle of the outpost, and nobody sees him. One dude is 40 metres away and walking toward him, and he just cannot see him. It's embarrassing.

I agree with what the dude in the video says; the real compelling factor of MGSV is building Motherbase, which is just a Facebook minigame.

It's MGSV: Find Some Skilled Workers.

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