You can see the regret on his face

No I can’t understand your argument because it is so totally flawed. It is so elementary with no actual basis in reality. You’re looking at things in such a basic and rudimentary way that you’re displaying limited intellect.

For example, how exactly does someone having an involuntary physical reaction to something make them less masculine? How are those connected at all? What would make him less masculine is if he left her there, yet he didn’t. It’s like if he hit his shin and winced.

Second, you say you have had kids yet you post in r/teenagers all the time, how does that work? Unless you’re an underage dad? Or you lurk teenage forums for some weird reason?

You are continuously stating that your idea of masculinity is true for everyone and that couldn’t be further from the truth, my idea of masculine is someone who can show emotion and stick around through it, not someone like you who finds these things to be a form of weakness, it is a held back mentality that that shows limited emotional growth.

The way you are putting individuals into a box from one involuntary action as if you’re the authority of masculinity and wisdom, is so painful and embarrassing to read, you’re basically the epitome of gatekeeping.

We assume your age because only someone who is a child or someone who is intellectually stunted would say the things you have been, because most of us know that people are complex and most adults have a broader perspective on human nature- while your seems very stunted and underdeveloped.

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