You can have sex with one real person from all of human history - who is your ultimate lay?

We all knew Trump was just faking it to get attention from the media for the election. There is no way he could ever possibly turn the entire country on its head. There is simply not enough time during his term and power as president to feasibly do that. I supported Trump on the sole basis that Hillary was "more of the same". The country is going down fast and debt spiraling out of control by the hundreds of billions. Affordable Care was a mistake from day 1. That program alone has caused our country to not only lay off thousands of workers, but limit funding to schools and students. It doesn't help that we aren't out of Iraq and Afghanistan, there is another giant fucking money black hole with billions lost every passing year keeping operations full-throttle. We need to go back to basics and fix our country before wasting any more money on protecting other countries. Nobody is helping us, Turkey is even given the terrorists guns and money for their oil. Russia is seriously pissed off at the Obama administration and current status of the military. Hillary would have triggered Russia into nuclear WW3 with her "no fly zones". WTF do you think that means?!?!? She wants to shoot down everything, including Russian airplanes that pass that area. Russia has no democracy like US, Putin has full control to destroy half of America within seconds with hidden nuclear bombs and thousands of rockets pointed right at us.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent